정회원가입안내 및


연맹가입비 : 30,000원
클럽연회비 :30,000원
연맹연회비 : 30,000원
합계금액 : 90,000원

가입비 입금계좌


예금주 : 이덕범(AKRK)

혈통서신청 입금계좌


예금주 : 이상경(AKRK)


HOME  >  커뮤니티  >  자유게시판
작성일 : 13-09-24 18:08
2013클럽전 심사위원 약력
 글쓴이 : 김듸모데
조회 : 5,585  

My name is Bianka Miksic-Kasun, I live in Zagreb, capital town of Croatia.


I’m FCI International judge for rottweiler breed since 1993.


I purchased my first rottweiler in year 1988., and since then this wonderful breed is always present in my home and in my heart.

For me, rottweilers are one and only breed , best dogs on the whole world and I can’t imagine my life without them.


My dogs live with me in my apartment, they are family members, best friends and I love and respect them deeply. Living together with my rottweilers is for me the best way to have dog, it gives the best opportunity for full connection between dog and owner, to mutual understanding and trust.

Rottweiler is noble, very clever, deeply devoted to his owner, full of love, sensitive, he is very intuitive, he know exactly if his owner is happy or sad. There were so many times I felt that my dogs read my mind and it was correct, they “read” from eyes, they know everything.

They are such wonderful creatures, so special, they must be treated with lot of love, and they deserve best life you can give to them.

Each rottweiler on earth is basically great dog, worth of love and respect.

If rottweiler behavior is not good, if he is aggressive or shy or has some other problems, it’s always due to bad owner, never the dog.

When rotty is puppy it is very easy to teach him to proper behavior, and for the rest of his life there will be no problems with such dog.


I learned so many things about rottweiler with help of my first male, my unforgettable Nestor- Dax. He came to our house in 1988. and was with us for 11 years. This wonderful, clever, lively male with heart of gold made me discover all beauty and richness of rottweiler character. Because of him I fell in love with rottweilers forever.


My second male, Yosch von Bickesheim-Carlos was born in 1995. He and Dax were very good friends, Dax was like father to him and Yosch respected him as a leader of the pack till Dax’s death, on 14.12.1998. Yosch was imported from Germany, very large and strong male, but same as Dax his heart was full of love. Yosch died in age of 12 years, in November 2006.

I will never forget them, they are both still alive in my memories, each day I remember them.

This is only thing I don’t like about rottweilers - they live too short.


In 2007. I purchased my first female, Fate Flash Rouse. She is great female, good character, very obedient, devoted, and very lively. She just confirms my opinion about rottweilers being really majestic dogs.

This is a reason why I named so my Kennel, because they are majestic.

Now I have two rottweilers at home, Fate Flash Rouse and her son, Ashke Majestic Rott .


Since 1989. I started participating on dog shows, and I was also working with both my males till IPO I.

I also show my Fate very often, all my dogs achieved very nice results in show ring.

Nestor and Dax were often used as stud dogs too.


In year 1993. I became FCI judge for rottweilers, motivation for that was my desire to learn as much as possible about the breed.


On 1995. I was named by Croatian Kennel Union (HKS) as head breed warden for rottweiler breed for all Croatia. I obtained this function for many years.

During past years I was often guest on TV and some radio shows, talking
about our breed in positive manner, trying to explain to public how noble, friendly and great dogs rottweilers are.

I have been judging on many continents, had great opportunity to see so many rottweilers from whole world and to meet many people who love and take good care about our breed.

Unfortunately sometimes I also saw owners who do not not deserve to have this great dogs, who don’t treat them right and who don’t love their dogs, they are just trying to make money from rottweilers.This is worst thing for me, to see rottweiler who doesen’ have nice life and the love of his owner.

Unfortunately big popularity brings also many negative things for the breed.